Last September I was approached by Burning Eye Books (burningeye.co.uk) with regard to them publishing my first full collection of poems, stories and illustrations. After a few months of doing whatever you do to get a book together it is now available to buy. I have wanted to have a device that I can give to people that hopefully gives them an idea of what I like and dislike about the world. Not an ego trip but just saying "wow this is quite a strange place where we all are isn't it?" A document or something to hand over that says this is what I think of this place. Some people do this by making music or painting pictures or dancing or just doing something that indicates that you are alive and feel that you have to say something about it. This book is the closest thing I have got to me being able to say " I live on this planet and this is how I feel about it." I really love books and I think they are a good way of trying to say something without using your mouth.
10 facts about this book
1. This book has 112 pages.
2. This book's cover was designed by myself and my friend Mike Thompson- www.michael-t.co.uk I scanned in some onions and painted the letters and Mike turned it into a cover.
3. This book was printed in Glasgow.
4. The drawings in this book were drawn with a second-hand biro.
5. In this book the letter a is used 249,698 times.
6. In this book the letter x is used 14 times.
7. This book has four corners.
8. This book has one spine.
9. This book does not have a contents page.
10. This book has more than four corners if we are talking about facts.
I am selling signed copies of the book with handmade bookmarks here